Uniforms should be destroyed. Here's why...

Uniforms play a critical role in associating an employee with the unique values of an organisation. But what happens when an employee is terminated and still handles the uniform?

In recent years, there has been a series of crimes committed by ex-employees still in uniform. Any individual wearing a brands uniform can be seen associated with that brand.

Remember that time a former toll employee was seen racially abusing a politician in a Melbourne bar? Whilst wearing a Toll uniform? This damaged the brand and a major client of the company in return, cancelled their account, heavily impacting the revenue stream. 

This poses a severe risk to your business, even more so if the uniform falls into the wrong hands. 


EShred securely destroy uniforms and have shared the top 3 reasons why old uniforms must be securely destroyed:

1. Uniforms and Brand Reputation

Whilst this can not only happen to current employees, the impact is usually more detrimental when it occurs with former employees. 

Should an employee hold a uniform after completion of a role, a public incident that is filmed or posted online can tarnish the brand reputation. Even employees with great history cannot be trusted to respect the company integrity. 

Brand reputation can be tarnished by a uniformed person engaging in a bar fight/incident, traffic incident, disorderly conduct or any political rally/protest.

uniforms should be destroyed

2. Uniforms and Security Risks

For some businesses, simply wearing the uniform is secure enough to gain access to restricted areas. Especially on construction sites and medical facilities, it is very common for trust to be given to someone in uniform. This can be detrimental if the former employee gains access to your data, operations or equipment due to this security measure. 

3. Uniforms and Identity Theft

Not only can a uniform give someone the ability to steal a former employees identity, it also allows them to be associated with your company. This can mean they can engage with a regular supplier, such as Bunnings, and place an order on the businesses behalf whilst in your branded uniform. Your business would be left to hold the bill by this simply identity theft technique.

It is crucial to have a plan in place when turning over staff.

All ID Badges, Uniform items/apparel, branded merchandise and recognisable equipment should be secured and then destroyed professionally. 

Avoid harm to your business. EShred offer uniform destruction and strongly advise this for all companies no matter the size.

The Environmental Issue

The environmental issue of discarded clothes is one that is often forgotten. We buy clothes that we wear for a season and then discard them without a thought for where they end up. Unfortunately, many of these clothes end up in the Atacama desert, creating a huge mountain of discarded clothing. Even charities don’t want these clothes, as they are often low quality and not worth the effort to transport them. As a result, they end up sitting in the desert, slowly breaking down and releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. The next time you are considering discarding your old clothes, think about the environmental impact and donate them to a charity or recycling center instead.

uniforms should be destroyed
uniforms destroyed
fabrics destruction
clothes shredding



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